
the devices are cheap, but I’ve purchased usage lately and the steady decrease in providers has driven up the pricing year over year.

Likely cheaper

Doctor Who is BULLSHIT

Because Donald Trump sells commercials and these people dont

There goes that “no animals were harmed in the making of this film” at the end of the credits.

This is why we, as tax payers, fund things like drone strikes


This is how it’s been since Gruden.. if the head coach can’t perform he’s out in 2 years. He knew this when he signed up.. don’t feel sorry for this guy at all.

At best these guys are loitering - it’s a sad news day that we have to list them as terrorists/militia/branch dividians

Tie Placement WIN

No matter how bad your day is.. it won’t be this bad

Our next President right there.. amazing.

noticed that too - I was guessing something came loose from the headlights

That sounds like pure magic - amazing set up

SO they are making an early 90’s Isuzu trooper?

I’m so tired of “make no mistake” -s already

probably the best gif I’ve ever watched

All day!