
A flying tank - what an amazing idea

yes - next question

We want his name, his home address. This guys life as he knew it needs to be over, yesterday.

Basically magic and lightning bolts - bookmark it and watch at home it’s worth it!

Basically yes - drone is the new band-aid

Finally in flight wifi

Still hideous

I blame the Subaru on this on.. sorry guys!

Enjoy your day of subtle “read the fucking article” posts

Enjoy your day of subtle “read the fucking article” posts

I’d save you some work: Inbox is amazing and it’s changed my email life forever.

they don’t seem too worried..

Let me be the first to say... yeeeeeeeeeeeeha!

Winner of the worlds creepiest gif

Smartest line I’ve read in the entire argument FOR autonomous cars:

That post is full of winning!

Maybe he’s not personally going to jump into the hole and dig, but the point is this man who may be his father is going to be dug up. Would you want someone to do that to your father.. much less do that to your own father?

So he finds out who his father is by digging up and testing the dead body of his would be father.. I’d be happy for a “guess” before I did this to my father or potentially a total stranger.

Let the man rest in peace - what point are you really trying to prove at this point?

GMC headlight look is making its was over to the Chevy.. looking good.