Peter Garlinski

I have a multitude of issues, not just anxiety. I won’t go into details. When my anxiety creeps in, unfortunately, all my thinking goes out the window. No matter what ‘routine’ might help, it’s not going to happen because my brain is too far gone at that point. Even with DBT skills, I can’t handle it.

Sorry about the late reply.

Sorry about the late kept me busy.

Last time I used Wine (a couple of years ago), it borked my entire Linux install. Had to reinstall everything. I’m never using Wine again.

Seems interesting, but only if the issue is localized to your equipment. Network wide outage and this thing is basically useless, because no matter how many times you power cycle, it’s not gonna get your internet back any faster. That 60 bucks is better spent elsewhere.

When I first started in IT in the mid 90's, I would get a ton of these excuses. Although I think the worst was when I went onsite to a customer’s house to fix a computer, turned the thing on and I get presented with porn right away. And the customer swears they didn’t download the pictures. Yeah, right...

Interesting. I was in Seattle this past weekend and I downloaded some music to my phone and it went through quite quickly. In Minneapolis, it was about the same speed, but it may have been because I was there early morning so maybe not as congested. For some reasons, I had problems at Dallas-Fort Worth, so I gave up.

No no no no no no no...this is just wrong on so many levels. Thanks for destroying my childhood.

No no no no no no no...this is just wrong on so many levels. Thanks for destroying my childhood.

Geez...never thought I’d say this, but I miss Bush! At least he wasn’t completely brain dead.

My favourite video was the 240 green light run. I’ve never driven in Manhattan so I’m not familiar with any of the roads, but that seemed really cool! I’m wondering if part of that was luck as well.

Very cool. While I don’t really solder electronic components anymore, this seems like a good thing to have around, just in case.

My brother likes Phish...

As a metalhead myself, when someone calls Metallica ‘...the greatest metal band who ever lived...’, it makes me nauseous.

All I can say about 2016 is....

Interesting read. I’ve had my fair share of bosses that micromanage, and it really annoyed me to no end. I think part of that may be some of my mental health issues (I won’t discuss), but I also think that they did tend to ‘look over my shoulder’ and I hated that.

Humans will have mutated by then. Perhaps we’ll have an extra finger...

I’m not quite clear on why Zimmer is on your ‘firing list’. I think the entire Vikings training staff should be fired (or shot). I honestly don’t know how Zimmer has kept his cool with all the injuries that team has had. I’m sure that he has 911 on his speed dial by now. But seriously...I think he’s done as best as

After that game on Sunday, any chance we can ship the Vikings out to LA as well? Us Minnesota residents can just use the new stadium for giant kickball games and yearly Metallica concerts.