Peter Garlinski

Looks like the basketball video is an old one. Several players on prior teams. You’ve got (from left to right):

Like everybody else, I use Ally and have very rarely run into issues. I did have to call them once in regards to a weird charge on my bank account, but they promptly got me answers and a new debit card. I’m always impressed with their service.

My first wife’s family played a variation of this game, but with more gifts and dice. Essentially, there were about 30 or 40 wrapped gifts, but instead of assigning a number, a pie pan would be passed around, and whoever rolled doubles would get to pick a gift from the pile. Once all gifts were gone, everybody

I remember kids in school would send off their favourite baseball/basketball/football cards to their favourite player to get autographed, and never heard anything back. I felt kind of bad for them, until I realised they were pretty stupid to do that in the first place.

Fuck Christmas! Time to break out the Festivus pole. Might as well eat some Chinese food. Maybe shoot my eye out as well. Must be better than celebrating the birth of some kid I don’t know and spending all my hard earned money for gifts nobody cares about a week later.

I was on a recent business trip and had to take some of the really small airplanes. I just had one backpack with everything I need, and then these turdwads with a roll-on case and a overly stuffed bag seem to be allowed to carry it all on. I for one support charging for overhead bins, but only if you want more than

- Time machine

The mess of ethernet cables in that picture makes my head hurt. After working at an ISP that had this same issue, I will never accept a data center or room looking like this.

Avoid all clichés and stupid statements!

There is nothing worse than waiting at a light for several cycles because the car in front of you doesn’t want to move up further. Of course, when you beep at them, they try to go on a red light! I guess I hold their life in my hands!

I still eat Spaghetti O’s...or, since I’m British, Spaghetti Hoops...and I eat it on toast. Something quick and easy.

Sam Bowie was a great pick at number 2.

For me, it was the Hyde Park & Regent’s Park bombings in 1982. I remember being upset about this because horses were killed in the bombings.

I’ve never had an issue with Charter. Internet has been reliable and rock solid, tons of HD choices with the channels I want, including movie channels, and I’m paying less than $150. Then again, it really is the only decent service in the town I live in. Still...not bad.

Ending up in the hospital April of last year was a killer. I only finished paying off that bill this year. Even with medical insurance, I still owed over $3000. That was not cool.

As a Brit, living in Minnesota...I understand both reall football and fake football. I honestly don’t believe in just ‘picking a team’. I’m going to follow Minnesota teams for the rest of my life, no matter where I live, even the Vikings (although I think being a Twins fan is much more miserable...).

Interesting. You mentioned that you tried other alternatives. Did you (or for that matter, has anyone reading the comments) tried Kratom at all? Not sure if that’s any good or not, but I’ve heard that it may be better for pain. Of course, I may be completely wrong.

I once went to Bucca...saw a mouse scurry along the floor right next to our table. He finally escaped through a crack in the wall. I suspect it’s not a chain-wide issue, but I’m always skeptical about going there now.

I’ve lived in Minnesota for almost 30 years now and I’ve never had a major issue in snow or ice (knock on wood). I spun once but that was with no traffic around.

50 miles south of Minneapolis is where I live. Welcome to the misery of rural Minnesota.