Peter Garlinski

Driver yells at co-driver...asking why the co-driver didn’t tell him about the accident that was going to happen. Surely the co-driver had this in his course notes.

If anybody needs a new team to follow, they have to follow the they can know first hand the misery of having a decent team once or twice every decade or so, that gets so close, only to have their dreams dashed in some sort of painful, horrible way.

As a Wolves fan, all I can say is...

Hmmm...installed it on my Nexus 6P and didn’t have to do anything. It just showed up right away. Yay, I guess?

You put 24-7 against our Vikings! I hope you’re completely wrong this time.

I would be very excited about this!

Oh you have the damn cartoon theme song stuck in my head.

I tried Match and OkCupid. Never tried Tinder, but don’t need to. I actually found my current fiancée through OkCupid.

I was lucky enough to have family put down a down payment on a house for us. I’m glad too, because the saving part is really tough. I suppose we could have done that, but it was a promise our family made to us.

I haven’t taken in math in years, but I got all of part a correct.

This was one of the best books that I’ve ever read.

This is why I quit playing video games all together. I had so many games but I never really played them or completed them. I believe I only completed Portal (not that large) and Assassin’s Creed.

I usually go with the newspaper or Sports Illustrated. I might try this though.

Before this article, I had no idea what ‘smh’ meant. I’m being serious. I find as I get older, I lose touch with what the youngsters come up for acronyms and shortcuts.

Excellent article! I myself strugle with issues (OCD, anxiety, bi-polar, etc.) but what I find the hardest is dealing with these issues and work at the same time. I’m always very very nervous to bring information up like this to a work colleague or management because I fear that my job will be changed in some way to

With the way bird flu is decimating the turkey population/farms here in Minnesota, I wouldn't be surprised if turkey prices gradually start going up.

Ugh...debt collectors are tough to deal with. I'm still stuck with debt collectors calling me for a loan I'm contesting on the grounds of identity theft. It's like they keep passing this off to other debt collectors and they don't take anything I say seriously. It's frustrating.

This is an amazing write up. Seems spot on. I just wish I had more time to watch Adventure Time. I can never remember to watch the show. I must admit, I love the Ice King character...although Gunter might be even better.

Stealing is such a harsh word. Kind of wish that a different term could be used. Maybe borrowing I certainely agree with it. I mean, at some point in the future, everything that is ever created will be something that was done before. Humans will reach a limit of not having anymore original ideas. Kind of depressing.

I think Alan is by far my favourite LifeHacker editor. Keep up the good work!