Peter Garlinski

I need to try these. Heck, I can barely swallow a tiny 20 mg pill without choking on it.

When I was in school...not only did I not cram...I barely studied for tests at all. I didn't need to. After doing the homework, like I was supposed to, I found I had retained the information a lot better, and all I did was a quick 10 minute review to get ready for a test. I finished college with all A's except for two black metal, no death metal, no doom metal, no sludge metal, no grindcore...completely pointless map! ;-)

I had to declare bankruptcy after my divorce. Why? Because my ex-wife had racked up huge amounts of credit card debit on my credit cards (while we still married) and I couldn't afford to pay them off. I honestly felt like such a failure having to declare bankruptcy. On top of that, it turns out she illegally co-signed

Geez...guy gets hit and everybody seems to be standing around or chasing the other car, not paying attention to the guy that's hurt. The only guy that seems to care is the one in the pickup truck. Get off your ass and check on the guy people!!!

Wow, thanks guys! That's really helpful! I sucked at it when I was in school so I didn't do very well in those electronics courses I was taking...and I kind of just 'gave up'. I think this really makes me want to try again!


I think it's dangerous to be outside period in Russia...everybody should just stay indoors the way people drive over there.

I would love to do something like this, but I'm horrible at soldering...

Isn't this what Google is trying to do with their Build Chrome experiment? I think they're just trying to find out if it's feasible to build a city out of Legos!

I can do this...I just don't want to! ;-)

Ugh...I hated Comcast when I had that service. I am thankful I live in a place where Comcast does not exist (I have Charter). I get treated so much better on Charter then I ever did with Comcast...


Nice, but Linux is a no-go right now...

5 years ago, I would have dismissed this as pointless...but after taking DBT, I've come to really appreciate mindfulness. I find it has really helped me and, the more you practice, the easier it becomes and you start being mindful without even thinking about it...and that helps a lot, in my opinion.

Vote: Videos (Formerly Totem)

I don't remember any of this happening in Doctor Who...

I once had a flight from London to Houston and I was sicker then holy hell. Unfortunately, that wasn't the worst part of it. I had a connecting flight in Houston to get to Minneapolis, and by the time we take off, I'm making liberal use of the baggies in the seat pockets. We get to about Dallas at which point, the

I've always had very good 'luck' with Lenovo. Their laptops seem solid, well built and well put together...but most important to me, I've always had a fantastic experience installing Linux on Lenovo laptops. Everything works perfectly with minimal to no issues...

I got an Apple IIe in 1986...with an old green monitor. A year later, finally got a colour monitor.