
same stupid tired argument that gets used in gun debates all the time

Eliminating the left arrow? So one car can turn per light cycle at a busy intersection? Ever been ninth in line in the left turning lane? That’s a recipe for road rage.

I will defend the left turn arrow. No it’s not warranted at every single intersection, but it is really necessary in certain spots where you would probably need to sit through 4 or 5 light cycles before you could even hope to get a gap. 

Good question. I was more stuck on what “picking them up with love” entailed. He was compassionate enough to slow down to 5 mph so they had a decent chance to jump in?

I would just like to know how one picks up a child from school “with humility.” Also, at least Pratt’s comment was presented in the spirit of ironic self-awareness, like, I don’t think he was actually expecting a pat on the back for opening pickle jars.

This is almost as unamerican as HOAs. If someone buys something, it is theirs to do with as they please. They can use it, or they can not use it, but the seller shouldn’t be able to force them to do anything, otherwise they shouldn’t be selling the thing.

I am willing to bet this airline is not going to punish you, refund you, or care in any way whatsoever if you book a direct flight and don’t show up for it. They’ll gladly take your money without skipping a beat, and they shouldn’t care here either about a flight that was paid for but not attended.

An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.

It’s not really, though. Carlsen is actually part of the first generation that mainly trained using chess AI, it was a *big* deal when he came up as he would play differently than the ‘old guard.’ What OP is claiming Niemann is to Carlsen, Carlsen actually was and is (and this was well documented in the chess news at

Yep. This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment of our healthcare system and the effects of weak labor protections.

All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens. 

In this picture, her face reminds me of Scarlett Johansson in “Lost in Translation.”

This reminds me very much of Madonna..... I grew up with her pissing all over the bible thumpers and the right wingers, doing everything in her power to completely drive them out of their minds. I remember churches collecting her CDs and burning them in a parking lot. I remember the endless press conferences about how

The best part is they are literally missing the whole point of the video:

Dunno about any of my atheist sisters and brothers out here, but shit like this is always hilarious to me. Up until a fanatic like Pence or Noem start pushing laws.

I’ve always firmly believed that if your faith is easily threatened by a moment in pop culture, then your faith was never a strong faith to begin with. 

A 200 kWh battery is nuts. My Volt has a 18kWh battery.

“Brinton” is even more Braden than “Braden.”