
You’re not wrong. That’s exactly how they think. I’ve probably told this story (many times) before...but in my writing classes at uni we got drop-in STEMlords taking on or two of our classes as electives for, and I quote, “easy marks”. (Yeeeeah...)

If Trump actually had the Death Note, he’d probably write his name on the first page to let everyone know it’s his book.

During the election there were two choices, Clinton or Trump. If you didn’t vote for Clinton, you voted for Trump. That Clinton was the wrong candidate (and most of all, not Bernie), that there are uncertainties regarding gerrymandering, that it seemed sure that Clinton would win (so you could vote whomever you

Counterpoint: Sarandon is a shithead who told people to vote 3rd party to burn it all down send a message to the establishment. While she was also completely aware that, should Trump end up winning, she would be completely shielded from any of the worst consequences by virtue of her being a rich celebrity who lives

Remember, you have to selectively pull the quote.

If you want ultimate confusion, I vote for the exquisite portmanteau “Coryl.”

The Los Angeles Public Library offers it - a great reason to get a library card.

I’m fine with it. What I’ve grown tired of are other people who can’t accept it and insist on debating over it with every single inch of the frame cited as “proof” of one side. There’s no proof either goddamn way! That’s why it’s ambiguous! Sigh. See also, Inception. And I’m grateful to Michael Caine for settling that.

Yea, nobody screams quite like Brad Dourif. His swearing is exquisite also.

I’ll bet good money not one of the guys behind this has the stones to teleport a genetically-modified giant squid version of a psychic’s brain into New York to create a perceived threat against all of mankind, therefore uniting humanity at last.  Not one of ‘em.

Two different sides of white privilege on display here: the one that wants to take the lives of anyone who opposes them, and the one that goes out all Clark Kent-style to talk to the racist in a dark parking lot.

That being said, I would far prefer to see the victim’s face than the perpetrating racist’s.

“Here [in St. Paul], it’s not derogatory,” said Jason Tschida, a co-owner of DeGidio’s. Though not Italian himself, he married into the DeGidio clan and presides over a restaurant that counts Hot Dagos among its most popular menu items. “[Italian-Americans in St. Paul] just grew up with it—they would call wines “dago

I think it’s highly disingenuous to mention the fixation on the white working class and exclude Bernie Sanders’ side of that obsession. This is a man who moved OUT of New York City in the 70s as it diversified. (The term for this is known as “White Flight,” and Bernie wasn’t the only white person running from new

I heard it discribed as active strain vs inactive strain. basically everybody alive has a inactive strain, while the dead have active ones. and can activate inactive strains. which is why one bite can be so deadly.