also known as Myke

Or have you?

Good thing this wasn’t hank hill, he would have exploded.

I am also somewhat underwhelmed, as I loaded literally 1,000 pounds of shale into the back of this (then 15 year old) car, along with a passenger or three, with a smogged-up 351, and it only gave a few creaks in complaint. It also separately towed an 18 foot trailer loaded up along with 5 adults and a 110 pound

I don’t recommend transporting your groceries this way.

Guaranteed to become a Sonic Boom well short of 768 mph.

So you don’t like drifting, and are letting us all know under a post about drifting.  If you don’t like drifting, why are you reading a post on drifting?  Only to post how much you don’t like drifting?  You’re an odd duck.

You misspelled “unemployed”.

Judging from the way he released the clutch, max RPM, dump clutch, idle. I’d say he’s never ridden a bike before in his life, 2, or 4 stoke.

You’re a moron.

Goddamn Shriners!

Fuck those CHUDS. Kids before squids.

Go fuck yourself.

Ok what am I missing. Why would you buy dirt bikes and ATV’s if you live in the city to just ride them around illegally? Wouldn’t you want to spend your hard earned money on literally anything else?

Wagon, AWD, Stick, Clean, under $2500.

I’d push the attendant call button then hide.

“It’s one of those cars that you could spent hours gazing at.”

No.... THIS is a Triumph of Automotive Design