
Well, you’ve already touched upon the risk involved. But, if nothing else, the guy lived it to the fullest. It’d have been weird if it’d been a sausage fest of nudity. But three girls and a guy, all nude? I’m not even mad; I’m impressed. Play on, player.

The constitution does say, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He seemed to be hittin all the marks until he was arrested.

All and all it sounds like it would be fun as fuck. High speeds, high horsepower, naked women, good weather?

Queue retards telling me how careless and dangerous it is, what-if-my-grandmother-was-on-that-road-holding-pupies, as if I didn’t know.

Because this is the right response.

This is my favorite one, mostly because I’m picturing the cop standing on your front porch taking notes about the “burglary.”

I couldn’t think of a good story when this prompt ran, but here’s one I’ll try to keep short.

You actually don’t need a time machine for that.

Isn’t this joke dead yet?

According to this grapic, Saudi Arabia is in direct conflict with, supplying weapons/fighters to and supplying monetary assistance to the Free Syrian Army?

Ehhh. I thought this was going to be factory, unmodified cars (Like the V6 Camaro that started the discussion). Adding an exhaust? C’mon.

Because this is Jalopnik ... one requirement here is hatred of American cars (in line with “because this is Gawker ... one requieremnt here is hatred of all things American”).

Typical Gawker hipsterism & critical theory.

(although to be fair, in this case when compared with the 2nd Gen TA, these were a bit of a

And the biggest hypocrite award goes to....Turkey!
Jet spends 7 seconds(or less) in their airspace uninvited and they shoot it down. They put tanks on another country’s soil uninvited and even Iraq has the sense to talk to the UN before blowing anything up. Can we kick them out of NATO yet? This is hauntingly similar

Ok, out of all the things that have been said on this website...this angers me the most. I love the WS6. I thought it always looked and performed better than it’s Chevy counterpart, and with the right mods, was an absolute beast.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia, our two best allies...

I don’t think you get QOTD for a cheapshot 3 years too late Bieber joke and a shameless request to be chosen for QOTD, sorry!

As a Lions fan, the silver lining here is that I didn't piss myself after I drank to excess trying to fall asleep last night.

You're clearly clueless about conversational cadence since you're replying to a thread from a week ago. Also, if your HOA dues are $15/mo, you live in a shitty plan.

Retired Marines and suburban housewives are virtually synonymous.

Both the still and the dogs are legal issues, no need for a HOA, that's what the cops and animal control are for, my taxes at work. My next door neighbor has had a dead pickup in their driveway for a couple years - no skin off my back. My own house desperately needed a paint job for a couple years before I got it