
It has been already explained. There's virtually no reason for her to like him besides ''he is the main character and the actor wants to kiss some pretty actress''.

The black woman is the real star of the show.
Principal Boyd Crowder and Kenny Powers are just supporting actors.

''Not kissing no good looking chicks in MY COMEDY? oh hell no way''

Let's hope there's less misogyny and less Georgia King kissing that d-bag.

''Tulip is not a spoiled child who follows Jesse around like a puppy and just wants to blow shit up because it's fun.''

Comics Custer is another asshole. The whole macho hero thing gets tiresome. The show is so much better.

Kim being with Jimmy is the biggest mistery of the show for me. Only in TV, I guess.


There's always someone trying to justify creepy relationships in media.

''It is possible to care about someone without being romantically involved''

Yeah, this is why there's a lot of rape in war zones.

I never watched Samurai Jack for romance..

he's 80

I'm turning because he is a pedophile. And not rational anymore.

He needs to kill Aku. ''Boning'' is something a teenager would think as his goal, not Samurai Jack.

The romantic angle ruined the season.

Who gives a fuck about being involved with someone when you have to kill Aku? He's not a horny teenager to think with his dick.

he's one of the only interesting things about s5.

Ashi is dead, Aku is playing Jack this whole time. That would make me feel season 5 was not a waste of time.

''Age doesn't always equal maturity.'' - said ever pedophile ever