
The main lead must always get laid, don't you know?

That would be so cool.

You think they will ever have a relationship again?
I doubt it.

oh, he will…

Also where the hell is Scaramouche?

Disgusting hook up that did nothing but disservice to the main character. Jack is supposed to kill Aku and go back to the past, not banging young asian chicks with age to be his grandaughter. That's not who the character are.

A hero is not a man who does things for sex, but because they are right. Jack is not supposed to think with his penis, yet he does in this episode.

Ashi and Jack ending up together would be really cheesy… Hope the writers are smarter than that.

I think there's 4 episodes left.

s4 is the best. s5 has rihanna and the sam loomis fakeout

Dylan killing Romero would be better. Then finding about Caleb after…

Romero turns his back to Norman? Yeah, right…

Jack banging Ashi would be very bad. Please don't do it

Not really. She was planning to kill Ray with that AC…

I bet Nikki was planning to kil Ray with that AC. That was very weird to not be brought up later.

They rather review Love or other Netflix shits…


yeah. s3 s4 and s5

Jeez, those reviews are really dog shit.

Norma and Dylan both cover up Norman's murderers.