Perry F. Bruns

Give him Hell!

Whaddaya mean "they"? I voted for Patrick Murphy, as did 44 percent of us. Considering nobody knew who this guy was before the election, the fact that Rubio only got 52 percent of the vote reflects poorly on Rubio—and those voters. #notallfloridians

Povenmire and Marsh are really, really good, though, and I agree with all the "Gravity Falls" endorsements too. Sometimes good stuff is where you find it.

Sung by Alanis Morissette.

Now if someone would just tell Hasbro…and for that matter ComcastNBCUniversal…

At least Life has a built-in ending (other than Cousin Paul flipping the board).

Most Monopoly games end when all but one player walks away in disgust. I'm not 100 percent sure Hasbro thought its cunning plan all the way through.

Cuddling LEGO® bricks would be painful, though. Or so I've heard.

All kinds of goodness in this episode! Even the pacing was perfect as the NTSF's plans quickly went completely off the rails. I also like the Inception "parody within a parody within a parody" layering.

I think Snyder is an outstanding cinematographer and editor (or at least he hires brilliant cinematographers and editors, and lets them be brilliant, which is all too rare in film), but that his dialogue, scripting, and plotting all need work.  Also, he should cut back on the rapeyness.  (My friends and I have a

That's about where I am with Sucker Punch too.  Plus, I get the feeling that no matter what project Zack Snyder gets, he's gonna put some rapes in it—even if it's the next Muppet Movie.