Recently my 3yo told me 'I'm not going to eat any FUCKING GRAPES!' We don't swear (or spell-swear) in front of him, so I had about 1.5 seconds to be shocked & strategize. 'Funky grapes? Why are the grapes funky?'
Recently my 3yo told me 'I'm not going to eat any FUCKING GRAPES!' We don't swear (or spell-swear) in front of him, so I had about 1.5 seconds to be shocked & strategize. 'Funky grapes? Why are the grapes funky?'
I wrote a letter to Mrs. Claus saying I "thought she would like a letter because her husband gets so much mail, and I thought she might feel overlooked when she was still an important part of Christmas".
I was a precocious reader (I was pretty sick as an infant and toddler, so I spent a lot of time with books and could read by like 2.5) but for some reason my mother still thought it was safe to spell words around me.
Non-homogenized Milk is a semi-colloidal dispersion of butterfat globules in water. The globules of fat are large enough that if the mixture is not shaken up, they will clump up and settle out. When you homogenize milk, you make the globules much smaller, such that they will not settle out even after a long time.
There were 1500 comments on this week's post—there was no way to go through all of them. In the previous weeks I have read them all, and I do not automatically choose the most starred. This week's selection does not reflect the most starred or most replied-to, either.
.... Are they getting a renality show? Eh? Eh?
Ugh, go away.
I'm a nurse, and one of the best allergies I ever witnessed was to "New Fallen Snow". When I asked what the reaction was, "I get a rash."
Are you really fat shaming a baby?
she looks 50 to me
this is just horrible, but honestly, it makes me feel less alone. I didn't have to through what these people had to, but when I was 18, I started seeing this guy and after two dates he convinced me to come to his room (her had "get his jacket") where he told me he didn't want to have sex that night (I'm thinking,…
though I hang my head in shame to admit it I have read them. My friend gave them to me and I can't pass up a free book. I have also read the Anne rice beauty series. Which is gobs more envelope pushing then anything in the grey books and actually gave me nightmares.
OH MY GOD THE DOLLAR STACK!! Sadly this is more common than you would think. I've encountered it several times over the years. But only once was I actually able to do anything about it.
My mother decided that nothing would be prettier than a semi permanent bright red rinse in my ginger hair. So she walked in and squirted it on me WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER.
Holy shit. I'm glad you didn't go blind.
Very likely! I'm actually about to start working at one, so we'll see if we can't work something out. I would super love to take classes at the place I'm working if I can do it for free (they're kind of expensive otherwise)
It was a family heirloom, I gave it back. Even though my first instinct was to sell it and then set his house on fire, and use the money to flee the country. Here's the story: