
This might be the study you are thinking of, where inmates at a prison in Washington had a much higher success rate raising endangered frogs than the wildlife biologists who are also part of the program:… "They have the time to address care on a level that is not possible with

But how does it become a W? I get the V and the Y...I just don't understand what is causing the middle peak of a W when it comes to cleavage. And the condescension is really not necessary.

You kick wrong, you break something. Furthermore, black men tend to have higher density than white men. Should we ban black men from fighting white men, to protect their fragile bones?

So what you're saying is that all fighters should be measured for bone density, upper body strength, shoulder-width, arm-length, etc to weed out any "unfair advantages" any sports-player could ever possibly have over anyone?

Let's face it, all this "bone-density" crap is something so irrelevant that nobody would have

That headline was a little confusing. I read it and thought the rape was directly tied to the burglary charges. But the headline

I've had my IUD (mirena) for four years... haven't had a period in four years. maybe some liiiiiiight spotting every once in a while, but yeah, i don't need tampons or pads or anything. it's incredible.

If you're nuliparous (never had a baby), it can really hurt but there are drugs for that. Also your period goes kind of whackadoodle for the first few months.

It depends. :( You have to see how your body reacts. Every woman is different. Some cervixes try to expel it (get that out of me!). Other women have zero issues. IUD divas is a site with tons of stories. I read everything on it.

Your issue is with religion(s) that automatically put a man at the head of a household/community simply because he has a penis. That has nothing to do with polygamy.

This ... this is satire, right? Right?

Oh, so you an evo-psych nut. Got it. Carry on.

Proving human society doesn't condone something does not prove it's not "in keeping with human nature", as we are incapable of separating human nature from human society. Are you into evolutionary psychology or something?

Ugh. We can't win.

Is it possible she's a Chimera? They often have both reproductive organs, and there's been cases of self-fertilization with them. The other part of that is they're often raised female as the male organs stay internal (pressure inside releases the sperm, allowing for fertilization of a child with only one DNA set)

Hmm... the missing link seems to be cats...

The only one here who sounds brainwashed is pretty much you. Keep sucking big-alterna (which is also a billion dollar industry just like pharma) dick.

Do not trust your doctor,

Your experience cannot be extrapolated to all women.

If you feel the copper IUD or any other IUD in your cervix that means its expelling. It can happen. You're not supposed to have sex when this happens... you're supposed to get it taken out. Your doctor should have gone over the risks before doing your insertion.

And then there are women like me, who actually need to have their hormones adjusted. Otherwise, I bleed too much and become dangerously anemic. It's not fun.