
Doug, the Pleistocene is an epoch, not an era. (As an ex-NJ waitress turned California paleontologist)

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, of course nobody wants to promote pedophilia or to have these dolls be practice for the real thing. On the other hand, can you imagine what it must be like to be someone with unwanted sexual attraction to children? If you try to seek help for your problem so that you

Yes! But pay waiters a living wage first.

Ahem, my 9th grade self is totally giving you the finger, painted with whiteout.

Nah, I don't really think we should tell anyone how to dress.


I am eagerly awaiting Jezebel's list on who's allowed to say what about what. What-what-what...

Disregarding Macklemore individually, your question "who elected this straight, white dude as The Ambassador of the Maligned?" is stupid. Straight, white men aren't allowed to advocate for the "maligned" or the "underprivileged"? Straight, white men are always just supposed to be THE MAN and never assist everyone


Who do you think straight, white dudes are more likely to listen to? Probably someone just like them. I don't get why you're hating on Macklemore for trying to use his straight, white, dudeness for something good.

Beyond the uncomfortable confusion that this video cause in me, I found myself being a little irritated at the final thought of this article.

Who made this straight, white male the Ambassador for the maligned?

I'm starting to get more than a little irked with the assertion that a non-marginalised person isn't a legitimate ally for civil rights issues. I can see why 'average white guys' get frustrated- they either disagree with the issues and they're part of the problem (to be fair, this does tend to be the case) or they

I know! It's like you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Let's just celebrate people who are working towards positive goals and not accuse them of not being "authentic" enough.

Sheesh. I don't get the reaction here (actually I do - excellent linkbait, good job). Everybody is (understandably) up in arms when people try to shit on free speech, women's rights, marriage equality, etc. This guy is showing his support for an organization that defends all those things and he's still catching

I think it's a really obvious parody and its meaning is clear. Macklemore may be a privileged white straight male, but he readily acknowledges it and tries to speak out for the opressed as much as he can. Yes, opressed people need to speak up for themselves as well, but Lord, there is nothing wrong with the

I just do NOT get the Macklemore hatred. Yes, he is a straight, white man who tries to use his influence to bring about social change. We get it - he is privileged! But, I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of other influential musicians, actors, etc. out there with very similar backgrounds as Macklemore's who are