
Xan admitting that people might find Kimmy inspiring whilst simultaneously acting like she still hates her was the highlight of the season for me.

True in previous decades, but given the DUP's promise to prop the Government up, plus the need to get on with Brexit discussions, plus there being no way May would gamble again on an election to try to improve her position, I can see this being the Government that takes us into the European wilderness over the next 2

Fair point - I should have said ".. while adding Alyssa Milano".

That shocked me. I had never considered the possibility that a show could be made worse through the addition of Alyssa Milano.

"Broke Joy's fancy figurine" is one of my favourite episodes of any sitcom ever.

I haven't seen any of the Scorpion King films, but I agree with most here - the first two Mummy films are great fun, and the third was pretty poor.

I must have seen that a dozen times and it never fails to raise a smile.

It's one of those rides where the absurd degree of the strapping in guarantees it's going to be a great ride.

Community grade B? Tough crowd!

I have no idea who John Mulaney is, but those were my exact words too. And the fact that the initial "holy fuck" realisation that it was, wasn't the best bit, speaks volumes for his performance. In a series with some great guest stars, Liotta was the standout.

Plenty of flaws but the scene with the soldiers with the headphones where all you can hear is Bill's counter-propaganda was pretty cool, and I loved Nardole's explanation of where he found the tracking gizmo.

And produced her father in the superb The Five(ish) Doctors.

His superb Chicago via Bristol accent in that clip shows exactly why they needed to dub Darth Vader's voice in Star Wars.

Wonderful books. Even the author blurb. In the first one: "He is not married, has no children, and does not live in Surrey." Then in the second (or maybe third?): "He is not married, has no children, and does not want to hear from anymore Surrey estate agents".

That was the Eagles?!

Who at the time was married to Sandra Dickinson (Trillian).

Not just London. On all counts.

Lots of call back jokes this series - sometimes from previous seasons and sometimes within the same episode.

Do you mean you were a cop killer at kindergarten, or did you just have Arnie in your sights?