
Is this retaliation for Doctor Who becoming a woman?

Much better series than the 2nd (though not as good as the first) but continues the infuriating habit of spending lots of time giving various individuals motives and opportunities before pinning it on somebody who has barely featured in the show.

Me too. I could cope with most of the silliness, but Jaws getting a love story was a step too far.

Many years ago I was at a wedding in Irlam, where the bride and groom danced to Tina Turner's Simply the Best while the other guests stood in a circle around them, pointing at them.

No higher than they are for any high earners. And we have free health care.

Coronation Street - I wouldn't bother, but millions do (and have since the 1960s). Her character died a few years back, apparently.

It took me a while to get there!

Julie Hesmondhalgh is overwhelmingly best known in the UK for playing the part of a transgender character in the UK's most popular soap.

And for the benefit of anybody who might possibly think it was Toppins, tuppence means two pence.

We're not talking about the trip to the Amsterdams.

I know it doesn't mean anything as so was Capaldi, but O'Hanlon's been in it before. As a cat. Stuck in a traffic jam.

I'm truly shocked. I'd never have pegged you for a Costello fan.

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people, Jeremy.

Hyper bollocks.

An American Dictionary of the English Language? That's like the Donald Trump Guide to Climatology.

He married himself? Figures.

Nice season 1, Xan the birder callback there.

Skittlebrau Oreos?

In Alexei Sayle's short story "A Cure for Death" advances in science have stretched lifespans to the 160s. But just as Alzheimer's only became seriously prevalent once a lot of people started living long enough to get it, those of 130 or more start to have memory gain to replace their previous memory loss - although