
I don't think I will ever get over looking at a "design your own milkshake" checklist in Denny's and seeing the option "diced bacon".

As an Englishman, can I just ask what fresh hell is "bacon coffee jam"?

If only Guy Ritchie would confine himself to making these films and spare us the rest of his crap.

He was. Probe Records was known as the place where you would get all kinds of abuse for asking for the "wrong" thing, and Pete was the worst. And looking like he did in late 70s, early 80s Liverpool, he also needed people to think he was capable of beating the crap out of them. Which they did.

Is this the wrong place to mention Flash having no involvement with the Message?

Perhaps they should have thought about giving the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels a Pirates of the Caribbean vibe?

That's what 2016 is doing to us.

You all need to google Joy Division Oven Gloves.

Having just watched this film for the third time I thought I'd come to the AV Club to see how it went down at the time. When I first saw it I was expecting nothing more than a mild distraction from everyday life. What I got was a really funny film. It's not particularly clever or original, but it makes me laugh even

Especially not after her evisceration of Tom's churros last week.

Take a bow.

Speaking as a Brit, if you'd replaced the second "o" of your statement with an "a" I couldn't have agreed more.

Apart from anything else it shows incredible breadth.

You need to watch the deleted scenes and bonus material on the DVD. There's enough on there for an entire movie just as good as the original, with the added bonus that none of the lines have been quoted to death. I rarely bother watching bonus material on DVDs but the ones on Spinal Tap are superb.

I thought the Anne Hathaway one was very good.

A goatherd - not Goethe!

"I miss the wobble."

If you haven't seen it already, the Fiveish Doctors is an amusing watch.