
I love when people casually drop stuff like It’s just a touching of all the seven resonators” and you’re given this glimpse of things you never knew existed.

 In the documentary about the making of Galaxyquest (which is quite good) Signourney Weaver is told that her other costar Kevin Kline was also considered for the Tim Allen role & she chooses her words carefully & says that he also would have been good, but not better than Tim Allen in the movie

Colantoni gives probably the best performance of the film, which is pretty amazing given how this features some of the best acting Tim Allen’s ever done (not saying too much), as well as amazing performances from Tony Shalhoub, Sigourney Weaver, Sam Rockwell, Rickman, etc.

What are we up to in the “Reasons to not buy an Infiniti” list now?

“Hey! We’re going to let horde and alliance play together! It definitely doesn’t have anything to do with us hemorrhaging users and losing huge chunks of our raiding community! Definitely not that at all!”

This reminds me of the time I hosted a chess tourney at my house during the Christmas holiday. Lots of folks showed up but they just stood around near the front door talking about how great they were at the game.

Fusion or Flying Cars?  Which comes first...

You’re completely wrong about charging infrastructure. Everywhere except the most densely populated areas there isn’t enough charging available.

This is some of the worst prose I’ve ever seen.  I honestly have no idea what I just read.  There’s no context for anything, the voice is inconsistent, and my main takeaway is that California suburbs are hilly.

I want the least distraction possible when I’m behind the wheel.

Or when a social media platform isn’t being “fair” to them.

I have an easy solution to this problem. Pass a law that says insurance companies have the freedom not to pay for Covid related treatments if the patient isn’t vaccinated. At the insurance company’s choice.

Government should stay out of decisions involving employers and their employees as much as possible.

President Biden is doing the exact right thing, and the definitive proof is this list of deplorable science-averse neanderthals attacking him. I’m nourished by their tears.

History will not remember a single one of these anti-vaxxer idiots in a positive light.

All of these people are simply finding their own ways to leverage the monarchy to achieve their own goals, whatever they may be. Which is probably what any of us would do if we had intentionally put ourselves in a similar position, as they have, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are basically doing business.

Whelp, here we are. Deadspin has finally spun down.

Actually, the one not to miss is the theatrical one, after that any of the other five or six will do.

Blade Runner, which takes place in November 2019...”

A lot of hard work down the drain, but Schwarzenegger looks on the bright side.”