
(Sorry. Double Post, I think.) In 1974-75, I took a “Classics of SF&F” class at SMSU (now MoStateU). As a class project, we decided to try to invite Harlan Ellison to give a reading at the school. We thought “No way in H*ll will he show.” (I think our prof. knew how to get in contact with his agent or something. We

The Sublime is, as I understand it, dependent on the Forge for its existence and the existence of those now within it. Is that correct? So, if I understand that correctly, all those within the Forge are subject to anyone who can get access to the Forge and, say, turn it off? In admin. parlay, there is no security when

The German concentration ( camps existed for quite a few years before WWII ever started. Anyone or any life style the regime objected to was sent to those camps. Gypsies, Gays, even people returning from immigrating to another country, or anyone that was known

Take what you just wrote and add the capability for you (or whatever it is that makes you “you”) to move between any one of these infinite worlds (say, perhaps, as you sleep) as your mind changes its attitude about itself and its environment, and you have an infinitude of possibilities. Now if only we could figure out

Well, he and his buddies are just doing what they have always done in the good ole business world. What in tarnation could be wrong with that? Huh? /s

While I agree with your sentiment, I can’t help but notice that there is no attention given in your comment to the actual person undergoing the pain. As someone who had and has a lot of pain in my life, mostly due to genetic back issues, I can well relate to the people who either self-medicate (for whatever reason,

Yes. And that person always wonders why his or her order is usually mucked up. Then again, that person quite often has a negative experience everything-danged-where he or she goes and cannot figure out the single factor that is common to all those situations.

A secure system is one that is not connected EVER to the internet. Never ever. A person working on secure data should not be on a system that is connected to the internet. If the proper authorities are doing their job properly, a lot of people associated with this company should be in deep doodoo.

The last fondue party I went to was at my mother-in-law’s house, 20 years ago where she left something on the stove to keep warm and it caught fire. Destroyed the kitchen. As she lived in a condo, it was pretty tense for a while. The whole family (grandparents, 4 couples, 4 grand-kids) was there. I think it is still

I think the key phrase is “impressionable age”. I was 31 when this movie was broadcast on TV. (Maybe one of the first disaster movies?) I was more “impressed” by the Cuban Missile crisis. I didn’t understand what was going on (I was born in 1952), but I do remember, right around then, having nightmares of the earth

It’s usually due to (as noted) high state liquor license fees or state regs that prohibit sale of liquor in restaurants but allow consumption, if bought off premises. (That always just weirded me out. Then again, I grew up in Missouri where there was a tavern on every other corner and the poorest education system in

Yup. Ever notice that people who are generally nice to others rarely have issues at restaurants, etc., while those who are generally not nice seem to always have problems. (My father-in-law seemed to just create chaos wherever he went. I swear he could just make restaurant ovens malfunction.)

Retail is rarely a place where you can “succeed” (unless you are very, very motivated and love that environment). Ask your store manager how much he or she makes. Not a lot, usually, compared to someone with the same number of years experience in a trade.

After thoroughly pissing off my wallet many years ago, I gave this game up. Not quite as bad as having to pay a hefty monthly fee, but probably pretty close. Good on you guys who can be (and don’t mind) putting out that kind of cash.

What is this “offline” thing you speak of?

Agreed. Then again, I could sleep on a plywood slab as long as I had a decent pillow. We bought a sleep number bed and I always have it on ‘99'.

I used to live in London. One day, back when newspapers were a thing, I opened up my newspaper (don’t remember which) and saw “Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers!” Yikes! I waited until I figured my mom was up (time difference) and called to apologize. She could not figure out (for a bit) what I was talking about.

Once, while traveling in Germany, we stayed at a hotel in Frankfort. When we got to the hotel desk, they asked us if we would mind receiving an upgrade to our (run-of-the-mill) room in return for filling out a customer questionnaire online. Clearly, they were attempting to “buy” our good remarks on that questionnaire.

You’re right. Sorry. A little Youtube frustration there.

This doesn’t work as advertised. I have done exactly the above, repeatedly, both individually, and as a whole. Still, months later, I am getting recommendations for things I deleted months, and years ago. I also checked my search history and comments history. None of the “recommended videos” was in any of my search