
Techno fascism lives!!

I’m a man, the poster says she hates all men, ergo the comment is directed at me.

So I’m a man, do you hate me? A feminist man, who’s campaigning for our first female president. Who supports gender equality, and will work to get it. Do I deserve to be hated?

A cousin of my friend’s husband was killed by her sister and mother and aunt for a “dishonourable” relationship; as far as his (my friend’s husband’s) family understand anyway. The only evidence I have is word of mouth so feel free to disregard as obviously I can’t prove it. Not claiming a substantiated claim but also

There’s the kind of reasoned, dynamic comment I expect from Jezebel. Sure makes me want to continue to be an ally and feminist.

It’s not at all surprising that most of his writers haven’t changed for years. Changing over to a new show doesn’t mean it’s the perfect opportunity to hire more people-he’s still in New York, he’s still doing the same sort of show. I can’t get behind firing perfectly good writers for the sake of increasing diversity.

To be fair, Europe back in the 70s and 80s was not exactly a cakewalk either.

Make all porn SFW porn? O_o

And yet they wonder why they have no money left in the NHS to treat people with more pressing health concerns.

One protester was shot and is expected to survive, and it has been mentioned in every news article I have read and was also referenced in the press conference. Nice try.

Eleven police officers have been shot in Dallas, and four killed. It is good and right for Jezebel to cover the shooting deaths of persons of colour by police in detail: that they receive personal, detailed attention in the media that they were denied in life. And yet I think that the deaths of these police officers

I find your last sentence ironic. In trying to address vulgar and offensive language that presumes about others, you’ve addressed “BOYS” as the culprits. I see plenty of females on Kinja, other social media, and IRL using all of these phrases.

And your argument is basically advocating for racial segregation in media.

Yes, also known as “americans.”

I feel like if i’m upset about this, then I have to be upset about Johnny Storm being played by a black actor in the new fantastic 4. I’m still on the fence about that, just like I am this. If the movies good, and Johansen does a good job, i’m open.

Ahhhh, yes. The beautiful countries of Asia and Africa...


Speak for yourself, Kara. When I visited Germany, I always took selfies with the local children. I showed a little boy in Munich his reflection in my iPhone - poor lil guy didn’t even know what he looked like before that moment!

It’s so great to be in England! Let’s go to a local school and surround ourselves with kids for a selfie so everyone can see how adorable the natives are! Isn’t it weird that they laugh too!? #universallanguage

What...Hong Kong is not a backwater. The British banker types all seem to be married to blond women and the sight of a white woman walking the streets of Hong Kong, or using the Metro or really doing anything is not at all unusual.