
Okay, let’s go over this once more:

Thanks Ms. Orwell:

Rapekopf is supposed to be a writer - unaware that words have several meanings and sometimes can be used as metaphors or similes...

Hear me out on this; is this really worse than women that drink while breastfeeding? You drink, you wait, you pump and dump, you’re golden. She just misjudged her time frame in the extreme which is a shame. But if she’d done this with alcohol would it even be news? Also don’t fucking concern troll me, I’m not

So can we talk about how Nigel Farage should be mowed down by a double decker bus? CAUSE YEAH.

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

I found it! The wrongest post on the internet today.

Except he really hasn’t lost yet. Nothing is actually decided until the convention. But you know, ignore that and just consider him an old idiot now that the media says so.

It’s been really fascinating to watch how Bernie, who is literally running a true grassroots campaign and attempting to push policy and discourse to the left, has gone from “fringe candidate” to “hey he’s a real challenger with some radical ideas” and now to “he’s an old white male asshole supported by a bunch of Frat

I don’t think she told Jon because until Littlefingers army showed up there was no indication that they even WOULD show up.

Where would that money go if it weren’t paying for a guy forcing Hillary to the left? It’s not like it’d go back in peoples pockets. The way budgets work, the service would just find other ways to spend it to justify spending in the next cycle.

To be fair, none of this has been officially confirmed.

Ummm...he’s a Senator so he’ll be returning to the Senate. But it’s nice that you’re paying attention.

When talking about potential legislation accuracy is important. Especially when the things under the term (assault rifles) are already federally regulated while the weapons that are at issue are not.

I am so tired of this bullshit on my facebook feed:

“I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face...and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won’t shoot you. My gun won’t pull it’s own trigger. It is securely holstered with the trigger

I actually agree with several of your points, but the picture you posted is stupid, and doesn’t give enough information to sway anyone’s opinion. If you took the time to go find this ambiguous picture and post it, and then answer me with more a more detailed message, then you should have just posted the detailed

So you’re saying criminals should not be in jail?

Three different people who each committed crimes that ended in each of them being sentenced to death and put on the same death row at the same time each have conditions that make them prone to heat-related illness?

I wish we could get our oil from someplace reasonable like Norway and let these backwards ass religious freaks sink back into poverty and get back to living in tents and chopping each others heads off.

Arguing semantics is super, super important, right?