
This is the most desperate, misinformed article I have ever read. You should be ashamed of yourself for writing such an asinine piece. You even admit in your article that you’re too lazy to do any real research. Does Bernie Sanders use a computer? Does Matt Damon?!? Prove it! Where are the photos?!?!?!

Thank you but I think we need to talk about sending a FEMA rescue crew to the Cruz home.

Strong start, perfect finish. Bravo!

Cruz is really the worst of the worst. Sanctimonious, Machiavellian, hypocritical, McCarthyesque. A vicious little debate-club ninny. Probably the only human being on earth who could ever make me root for Trump in a primary.

I’m so happy for him! Now that he’s a winner, maybe his wife, mother and daughter won’t shake with revulsion every time he tries to hug them.

I love that the GOP is freaking out over their own primary, because as a democrat I’m over here laughing with glee. I want Trump to be their nom! I want it more than anything I’ve wanted in a long time! This is the biggest and best shitshow I’ve watched in forever and I hope this never ends!

And her shows! She really does it up! Laser shows, robotic entrances, backup dancers... The best and fluffy pop can get!

Jenner is a ‘secondary reality television personality’ who has received criticism from disability rights groups and African-American communities.”



#TeamMinogue. Also, if you ever get the chance to see her live, do it. Her voice is so much more substantial than recordings.

Chris Rock is a gift. HE IS A TREASURE. FIGHT ME.

The Korean nominee’s name is Sumi Jo (or Jo Sumi, but definitely not Sumi Jowas as the article currently has it).

How did The Last Samurai erase the historical accomplishments of Asian people?

Egypt had a dozen conquerors, some from sub Sahara, some from the Middle East, a couple from Europe. Your teacher was correct.

The four on the top right look white.

Wait... after years of being told on this site that as a Middle-Easterner, I’m just “white,” I’m not white now?

If that’s the case, then why have a problem saying “All Lives Matter” instead?

And as we’ve seen over and over in so many woman-centric arenas—sexual assault prevention foremost among them—the impulse to protect is very different from the impulse to ensure equity, and the two things, worked out in practice, are often exactly at odds.

I’ll never understand why some white people feign surprise whenever other white folk spew some racist bullshit.