
On what earth are all- or even most- teenage girls desperate to understand the voting system and systemic inequalities? Has Bobby ever talked to more than one teenage girl in his life?

based on teen girls who I’m not sure actually exist

Glad to see someone defending young, blond white girls!

The first-generation individual is different from fourth, fifth (yes, such a thing exists, thank you); the South Asian individual is different from the East Asian. Folks from Hawaii have a very different perspective on race than folks from New York or Georgia. Some of us may be adopted to two parents of different

I saw him in The Martian on my plane last night.

I don’t understand why people are projecting their personal feelings onto research questions like this. It isn’t a social science study, it is a biological science study.

Absolutely. I don't see why it was necessary to tag cultural issue onto what is a simple scientific question. Our biology doesn't give any thought to our beliefs or cultural norms.

Yeah, I don’t get the snark. Science is about asking and answering such questions.

Because Kara deemed it important. Even though Deadspin deemed it a hoax.

Who knows? Thing is, I think Kara is too young to remember that people clutching their pearls over music is nothing new. Ten years ago, remember the uproar the Dixie Chicks caused? People were gathering their CDs to trash them? Twenty years “gangster rap” and “sex rap” bands like 2 Live Crew had a whole court fiasco

There are times when I almost feel bad for Jeb!: he designed this whole “Shock and Awe” primary strategy specifically to clear the field early and avoid having to bring in Bush II and his bewildering 70-80% GOP approval rating. That would have set him up nicely to further distance himself from Bush II in the general

I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.

The difference is that this shit gets swept under the rug (see Rotherham) BECAUSE people are afraid of looking racist. Pretty sad that women are never really considered. It’s always men who are the true victims of these encounters (except when men ARE victims, then we will just ignore them too because humanity is

I enjoyed the specificity of this. ⭐️

...just wish she’d return my calls.

“small number”

No they didn’t. They hid from this shit like cowards because they were afraid that the PC police would take away their progressive cred. Anna fucking Merlan herself has gone apeshit over rapes that turned out to be hoaxes and thrown tantrums over other fake outrages a number of times, and yet she and others are piss

So, 73 people identified so far, who operated in a city square smaller than half a football field, in a single night, is a “small number” and those who complain are provoking “hysteria”?

If they pull shit like this again, I hope they’re stomped to death in real time. Fuck religious fundamentalists of all stripes. You DO NOT get to immigrate to a country then complain that you don’t like how your hosts live. Fuck these assholes.