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    Somehow this is news to people?
    Yet we are still lambasted when pointing out that controlling your weight is entirely within your control?

    Sounds ruff.

    “ But what you cannot do is appropriate words that we’ve established to mean something and change the language because you feel like it”

    Here I thought that was the whole point of an evolving language.

    Makes me root for them more tbh.

    Wow. What a Debbie Downer.

    I see I’m in the minority.
    I tolerate it here because fuck, the woman can’t fart without the site reporting on it. I get it.
    But some places should be bastions from her. To some she irks us the wrong way, and no, in no way it is the same as the “I’m oblivious to pop culture!” tribe.

    “My heart literally breaks”


    You seem upset, friend.

    Assuming this is that big of a deal (which I don’t personally) can’t you fine him or something?
    Isn’t having a Nobel prize winning biochemist still working better for this whole humanity thing better than ruining this guy’s career for his stupid remarks?

    She’s dead though? She has no use for her propriety anymore.

    TRANSLATION: Gay guys’, those cornerstones of the ruling establishment, attempts at a fun time for themselves and everyone else potentially shut down because reasons. Something something trans or the other.

    ““Here’s what the enemies of freedom sought to crush last night. Truth and freedom. But they went up against the wrong kuffar, and they were crushed instead.””

    Whoa, calm down lady. You spread shit and flies beckoned, nothing more.

    I’m stuck between choosing “It’s not racist! You’re racist for THINKING it’s racist!” and “IT’S FINE OMG”.

    Blacks are the fucking worst.

    Dude, there is fun in trolling jezebel but do it over the right issues. Jesus freaks suck. Period.

    This. A girl got shot here people, tragic as it may be its not planning for Waterloo.
    People (rightly) want justice, these are just the saps they got to try and placate our thirst.

    Fuck me sideways. I’m guessing she’s slapping him due to something along the lines of “WTF are you doing? You wanna be a criminal and ruin your life?”, not “You fool, the police will kill you!”.

    Class. Fucking. Act.

    Looking up your discography lady.

    Well, have one of you actually beaten this man?


    Motto for the site status: found.