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    He did what was asked, response?

    Yep. Definite shoe in for top ten craziest posts by a Jezebel commenter I've seen. And lady, that's saying something.

    Yep. Definite shoe in for top ten craziest posts by a Jezebel commenter I've seen. And lady, that's fucking saying something.

    Ethnocentric? Intolerant? Cultural what have you? I don't give a shit.

    Well, do your part. Rest of are right behind you buddy.

    A Parisian man yelling backwards trash eh?

    America does indeed suck.
    Mind you not for the reasons of this article.
    As a non american person of colour, this does blow. But people here have a habit of reacting to this type of thing like I dug up their ancestors and defiled their remains in front of them.

    huh. All I got from that was that you weren't a smart kid. Not holding it against you though, most kids aren't.


    "not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes."

    omg who cares.


    I've only just done this for the second time, I'm still facing the "where do I stop?" dilemma. Mind you I waxed.


    Well, people are getting murdered in ways that would make any ISIS executioner blush. 15 yo kids have their throats cut, slowly, while pleading for mercy to what must be the coldest fuckers walking this earth at the moment.


    But, neither of them are the last titular samurai or mohican.

    Honestly not trying to troll it up here, but every once in a blue moon when I get a compliment from a guy (usually when loitering around the local gay bar) I light up, say thank you and continue on with a spring in my step.
    Then again maybe it's got something to do with the fact I'm never afraid of being overpowered by