Its an interesting question, and I think the key is nuance. Its one thing to just toss rape in as a plot device, its another to treat sexual assault with the kind of respect it deserves. Jessica Jones is a great example of this.
Its an interesting question, and I think the key is nuance. Its one thing to just toss rape in as a plot device, its another to treat sexual assault with the kind of respect it deserves. Jessica Jones is a great example of this.
Really? So not the case at my annual childhood pilgrimage to the Jewish Community Center’s Shalom and LeChaim Camp. I missed out, man.
Nick Offerman has a great bit about this in his stand-up routine. Basically he had lots of sex with a very devout girl at a Bible camp.
This definitely reminds me of a quote from Hayao Miyazaki criticizing the modern state of animation that I can’t help but agree with.
And how would banning the burqa change that, pray tell? To the extent you are correct and all women who wear the burqa are forced to, banning them isn’t going to change the misogynist attitudes of their husbands and their religion. They are still going to be subject to the same bullshit. All banning the burqa does is…
Even if what you say is true and all of them were in one way or another coerced to use it, how is banning burqas helping those women? The ban won’t help them take it out. I will force them to stay inside their homes and have no contact with other people and thus deny them a support system that would help them take…
How shitty a state of feminism we are in when we are actually hoping the leader of the free world has just made a calculated capitulation to Islamophobia and sexism?
So what you’re saying is, you’re a man and you want the government to enforce laws on what a woman can do with her own body. Cut to the chase next time.
The fact that it should be the women’s choice.
You have clearly never spoken to one single woman in a burka. Some women WANT to wear them.
I really really really do not like burqas. But I don’t think we get anywhere by banning them.
Nice way to refute the whole, “The West hates Muslims” narrative. Good job everybody! Good job.
A feminist wants any woman to do whatever she wants to in her life as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else. If a lady wants to wear a burka, let her.
Pretty much this still applies. Just let women wear what they want. Jeez.
Idk about atheist and feminist, but you’re definitely a troll.
My mother is like a horse whisperer for conservatives. Her mantra is “meet them where they’re at.” She asks a lot of questions. For instance, this is a conversation she had last month with a right-wing houseguest: “Why do you support Trump?” “You liberals think we’re all stupid.” “I don’t think you’re stupid. Why do…
Who is Dan Quayle? A man who got owned by a child in basic spelling.