
Apologies for going off topic, but fuck me, is Ted Cruz still talking?

If this was anyone but Paula I wouldn’t ask this. Which one has more fat in it?

Well fuck. I watched the first throw now I am hooked. Is this how curling works? Watch the first throw for free to get em hooked?


I know how it happened. Let me tell you about it. You see Frank, when a man and a woman love each other......

that starred the mother of machete enthusiast Jason Voorhees.

I would say you could parse it down to people who aren’t informed and people who don’t want to be informed. One group doesn’t have the facts and the other has seen them and still refused to acknowledge they might be wrong. Even in the face of it being glaringly obvious. Since it came up already I would say anti-vax is

Man or woman we have all made a move or leaned in for a kiss and it was at that moment we realized we misread something. That kind of thing happens due to alcohol, bad timing, or whatever. The onus is on us to recognize when our advances are unwelcome and stop making them.

I imagine they are all thinking the same thing. “Murder, murder, murder, murder! Oh Hi Steve!”

Categorically untrue. He loves oral. So long as it follows anal.

Batman v Superman: Once more. With Feeling!

Where was a taco truck in all of this? I was talking about the post related to the contractor. For something minor like a restaurant I would just not return. This guy was talking about a botched house remodeling job. I don’t see that they are the same.

So you take a lot of shit without complaint, and make snarky comments to people who don’t. An odd thing to be proud of but ok.

I have always thought about this and it’s completely a Heath Ledger as the Joker type idea.

Im’ma let you finish, but Tomb of Horrors was the greatest D&D module of all time. OF ALL TIME!!

In case you missed it at the end

In case you missed it at the end

In case you missed it at the end

In case you missed this part at the end.

I get ya. You could make the argument that at least with an ideology it’s possible it is worth getting upset over. This kind of thing is sad in every sense of the word. I don’t know who put forth this formula first but it’s true that (internet + anonymity = asshole).