
On an unrelated note. Every time I go to buy that artist print "Boom" By Scott Listfield its f*cking sold out.

*feeds troll fire*

Pretty soon (maybe 10-15 years) there wont be such a thing as a local copy of a video game. At that point the argument over whether piracy is valid or not will be moot.

While controlling your own character with voice commands seems kind of counter-intuitive ("bypass"? really?) it does make a lot of sense for controlling other characters or choosing dialogue. In that sense its a lot more like real life.

Your absolutely right. This is a surprising find.

I get what your saying but... you might want to google "define" sodomy"

This is like asking whos more responsible for drug gang violence? The users or the dealers?

Sounds exactly like my college situation. Working part time, hardly any money in the bank most of the time. You can get a cup of coffee and go over your limit by 10 cents and they will charge you $35. Never mind multiple overdraft.

Ill throw my 2cent in here: you are dead on good sir. VM is hands down the best deal available for smart phone in the US.

Everybody loves chicken.

True. I didn't mean to say there is nothing to be improved (there is). The way that the article is written makes it sound like they are struggling/nit picking details to try and shoot it down.

The fact that there is a such an argument AGAINST it being GOTY means it was compelling enough to warrant it.

I get what your saying, and I agree, but you sound like an Elcor.

At first I was like "wow this is awesome". Then I remembered the mess known as Shadowbane.

North Korea attacks South Korea to solidify new rulers power. US retaliates with SK and China steps in. Iran takes advantage of the chaos and attacks its neighbors in attempt to expand, also attacks israel. Russia mobilizes. Shit gets real.

Agreed. The two hubs were awesome, but I REALLY wanted to get outside in futuristic montreal. I cant believe they left that out.

This is why we are losing

Its jokingly easy on default. I bumped it up one notch and its challenging in certain areas, easy in others. Perfect for me. Of course Im no tank, I do mostly sneaking and backstabbing. But if I get into a brawl with more than 2 Falmer Im in trouble.


I was always a custom class. I remember the first 10 times I started a new character I would sprint past that skeleton in the throne room, crossing my fingers that I wouldn't get stabbed in the back. Then one time I accidentally pushed him off the ledge and he died, and since then I wont go past him without taking him