
This is how it should work:

Yeah, we do make some damn fine beers here. As many have said the craft beers are equal to or better than many of their european counterparts.

This is the first DLC I will get for this game. really looking forward to playing poker and dice with my buds. Also really excited about the stronghold mode. I always wanted to defend a fort against attacking bandits, dont know what its just always beena dream of mine.

Hopefully one day soon this will completely capsize the incredibly overpriced voice plans from our cell carriers.

This man is a deventor! All he does is remove parts from existing things!!

Awesome list. I have seen most of these movies (not primer).

Once more James Cameron forsees the future. If we are to survive, we must return to nature. Clothes are a blight on civilization, back to nature!

Thanks that is good to hear

@Vecha: I actually like Civ Rev alot. I tend to get zoned out for hours with PC Civ games, CivRev is just the right amount of playtime haha

@HRDSalami654: Hey man, I have seen the PS3 commercials. I know the PS3 only does everything.

@smartaleck123: So whats your saying is it doesnt matter who makes it, because its all made in mexico (or china).

@JTBX: And next to him is an italian.

@Wolfbullet: Dont worry, Im sure future installments will include plenty of national pride and chest beating opportunities.

id is definetly one of the grandfathers of video games. Anyone else remember the first time they fragged a beotch?

Thats too bad. Im sure it will still be a great game and really fun. I will miss the strategic combat though. We have enough action slash games (action/adventure action/rpg) but really no strategy games to speak of.

I think alot of people are confusing art with craft. Craft takes a real skill set, whereas art is entirely subjective and doesnt require you to actually have a skill.

@HRDSalami654: Debatable. But, its like kicking a dead horse

This would be perfect for me, as I am still rocking the G1 and have not found an appropriate phone to switch to yet.

Representing New Hampshire: 603 baby

You make us look like fools, gizmodo. FOOLS!