I’ve always loved your username.
I’ve always loved your username.
This is honestly one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read on the internet.
Projection. Also, weren’t we pals just a couple days ago? I believe we were. I also told you that I would trigger you again and you’d try to say the worst things you could think of, again. I didn’t expect it this quickly though. And it’s odd that it’s this one.
Dear Fellow Liberals,
AOC was triggered, that is... the troll was successful. Good job Laura. Trolling truly is the best information-delivery vehicle and a art.
We are not talking about “culture,” we are talking about Western Culture. General culture is manufactured and sold. Look at your username.
Waves of uneducated, unproductive, cheap manual labor does nothing but drag wages down and enrich the Shareholder Class.
Western Culture is not surviving on the back of academia. Are you insane?
Waves of uneducated, unproductive, cheap manual labor does nothing but drag wages down and enrich the Shareholder Class.
Maybe you don’t speak English. Are you talking about Western Culture or “higher education”?
You speak English. The only culture you know is Western Culture. You’re just jealous... for some totally unguessable reason.
It’s not the big, bad right side that’s holding workers down. If anything Trump is the first president to go all in on supporting them. It’s the corporations that own the entire left - including Warren, despite her lies - and the non-Trump right.
STEM is education. The rest is worthless, Dem-molding brainwash. Who do you think is behind the #FightFor15? People with worthless college degrees that cost them $200k.
What are you even talking about right now?
This is an answer, but it doesn’t seem to be an answer to the question I asked. Unless I’m missing something???
Ha, no. Of course not. Trump is destroying this country. Our best bet is to not vote for him. That is what I am doing.
This girl, Greta Thunberg, David Hogg and that bald woman, countless others... what is with the left exploiting high school students to push their narratives and agenda? Is it because people with educations don’t want to? Makes no sense.
Cynicism often works this day and age, but Fox News isn’t in the bag for Trump. They’re the voice of the establishment-right. The rest of cable news is the voice of the establishment-left. The disagreement between the establishment-right and establishment-left are meaningless. Neither report actual news in the way…
The only difference between Fox News and Splinter News is Tucker Carlson, otherwise they are the exact same networks in every way. Tucker is an independent journolist with a functioning brain, very rare. That’s why everyone loves him.