
I hate to say it but this is a wise choice. After Akil left the show took a turn for the worse. Taking mj away from her family to new york, isolated her and disrupted the flow of the show, because the family was such an integral part of her life. The writing also didn’t make any sense.

Thank-you, BMJ for bringing Cutty Buddy into my life IRL.

I hope some of the players raise their fist in the air. They’ll still be standing. Besides, kneeling has already been appropriated.

What would Dr. king say about that Nazi getting punched in the face? Probably something similar to what he said about riots.

Swizz gets 100%

I haven’t read that article because I would like to save my mental health, but many of the commenters are like that. Just know that the talking points over there are: Bernie is the best, no faults at all. Fail to listen to him at your own peril. Clinton was the worst thing ever. She was going to set this world on

You are correct . Black boycotts could be powerful 50 Cent however is probably the one black person that is the least deserving of our support in this regard.