
In Baghdad, they targeted families breaking their fast eating ice cream. In Kabul, between 80-100 people were killed for the crime of being too close to the Canadian embassy. In Manchester, they targeted little girls enjoying a concert and now they have rammed their trucks on people who had the audacity to be walking

Most of the time, when I find myself on Maher’s side of things its more coincidence rather than thinking that he and I have anything close to the same thought processes. He has a sleazy vibe to him and I could see him elbowing the sick, infirm and the young out of the way to be first on a life boat on a sinking ship.

I’ve been done with this motherfucker for quite awhile. Now, his show needs to be taken off the air, and they don’t need to give him another one like they always do. No, he’s not “one of us.” I don’t feel any kind of ideological kinship to him. No, he doesn’t get a pass because you might every once in awhile agree

Bill Maher belongs to the Bill Maher party. He’s too smart to be a conservative, but he’s too much of an asshole to give a rats ass about anyone who isn’t named Bill Maher. I don’t know why anyone pays attention to him anymore, his schtick got tired back before before politically incorrect ended. If people stopped

I have a friend who, no matter how many times I fucking tell him Bill Maher is fucking trash he can NOT stop putting that cape on for him. Then again this is a motherfucker who thinks the Libertarian Party “has some good ideas but they just got mixed up with the wrong people” like they’re some wayward teenager and not

Nah. And when articles are written about how black people need spaces of our own, the inevitable “why are you segregating yourself from you allies?!1"

Bill, you don’t get a pass just because you like black women. In fact, that makes what you are doing especially egregious.

The real crime is that ESPN & Co. make millions off the broadcast but the kid that wins barely gets a semester’s tuition at a Top 50 school.

Just to add a bit of context to your statement: BEP originally had a woman who toured with them and sang the hooks/background vocals on their debut album (she’s also in the videos), her name was Kim Hill and she was black. Interscope was about to drop the group because they weren’t doing well on the label aka “too

Oh good. I was worried for a moment that they were all gonna be not shade verdicts.

My only major problem with vaping is the secondhand bit of it. Most cigarette smokers are fairly considerate about where they’re blowing their smoke after inhale. But because vaping is considered “safer” vapists care less about that. The clouds end up much larger and tend to have incredibly obnoxious scents attached

Kathy modeled her career after Joan Rivers. Take every job offered, trash everyone and then make them feel like assholes if they don’t like it.

Being a Trump is the only thing traumatizing Barron.

She’s done zero damage to the left or the anti-trump movement. She’s a comedienne a lot of people didn’t really know about. She’s not Gloria Steinem.

Bloom’s encouragement really is baffling, isn’t it? Why didn’t she know better? Why didn’t either of them?!

What in the Earth-shitting hell is going on here? She’s a very smart woman. Lisa Bloom is a very smart woman.

Micah Fletcher has Asperger’s (which you’d know if you’d bothered to read the linked article), but thank you for your bullshit tone policing.

Alternatively, accusing people of having a white savior complex isn’t so bad, especially when the money raised here and historically in lots of other cases has disproportionately gone to white victims.

The teens, one of whom has identified herself to press

Given that Oregon was literally founded as a racist utopia and that the PNW still has a huge population of white supremacists, I actually think this is pretty self-aware.