Petty Baelish AKA Bigly Bad

Fucking thank you. I barely skimmed that post because it just dripped with white liberalism.

Why bring her no rapping ass on stage in the first place?

You know in the planning stages they gave him a time estimate and he was like “Oh, no absolutely. Absolutely ...” while his people politely tried not to laugh.

I said this is the VSB article about this yesterday; black folks know how to act in front of company, and white people have no shame. We can have all the family drama we want, but what we’re NOT gonna do is show out in front of strangers. Big Momma is not about to have you airing your grievances in the presence of

Our kids are not allowed to have childhoods. No laughter, no horseplay, no joy. None. Welcome to Continuous Traumatic Stress!

What did we learn today:

I have little doubt that this is how she considers herself. There is a certain type of Baby Boomer activist rampant in Berkeley, Oakland (and, I think, parts of Massachusetts) who sees herself as a righteous SJW while refusing to look at her own complicity in issues of race. Ever.

Above running head first into your own teammate’s butt and fumbling the ball to have your entire career summed up and remembered by that one very instant?

Actually...the issue was that NO PARK RULES WERE BEING BROKEN AND THAT WOMAN WHO CALLED ON THOSE COUPLES W/BBQ WAS DEAD WRONG AND REPRIMANDED BY OPD. I live here and KNOW what went down. You’d best get your facts straight before making negative, incorrect, dumbass remarks like you did. AND .... the big cookout is

Excellent article, as usual. Of course a person is still Black, and still having a Black experience no matter who they like to spend time with.

Motherfuckers can’t hide from Black Twitter CSI.

Brown has a pattern too multiple rehab stints and being caught on camera hitting people and questionable gang entanglements.

7. What does the soul stone do, besides make you murder Zoe Saldana?

“it’s like a dreeeeeeeaaaaam!”

What time does Fox & Friends come on? Steve Doocy is going to have a literal stroke on air and I want to witness it.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

I loved that episode and the episodes when she sang. This is an extremely talented woman!

She can talk all she likes, she’s grown and she’s fierce.