
Hollywood is full of coruption and morons, no surprise as they are just as evil as the clintons. I doubt you have a family or a degree. I happen to be a 47 yr old woman who lived through the clinton years of corruption and scandal.
Your teenage brain has no concept of who the common man is in America. We won this

Hard to be fascism when your conservative. Fascism is the new Democrat.

The clintons got their money screwing over Haiti and pay for play scams. But hey you are too brainwashed to see that.
I doubt you have a job as unless you are one of the many paid protesters George Soros funds.
You clearly are young and stupid. Not worth my time. Keep drinking the Koolaid and enjoy the next 8+ years of

LOL You liberals are so delusional. Hillary and Bill have amassed a fortune on the backs of Taxpayers like myself. What have democrats done for blacks, veterans, Legal immigrants, or any other american? Nothing but lies and empty promises.
Bernie Sanders is cut from the same cloth and a SOLD out for the right price.

Oh please. The democrats have been trying to get everyone on a single payer system for the past 8 years. Insurance is not a Right. Obamacare is a failure that has driven up premiums to the point that no one can afford it.
You libtards are so stupid. Maybe when your balls drop and your voice changes you Might understand

Milo is god. You're just too bigoted to see that.

Hate for Liberalism which is a cancer.