
I'm pretty sure before you can say you've found someone's burial ground, you have to be sure they existed first.


For serious energy, you need to go to bed early and wake up fresh in the morning.

For a jury, it can be.

She has a bunch of sun spots on her chest.

Unless you're hosting the files yourself, I don't see how anyone could get a hold of this information through Facebook pictures and whatnot.

Not to mention he probably has the ego of Kanye West on coke.

But... what does zat even mean?

You know what I miss most about my old Blackbook? The command key had an actual Apple logo on it. I think it sucks they took it away.

I can't wait for someone to drop me some Electro House when I'm 100. Although I'll probably be deaf by then.

You have very small teeth.

You should never Google Goatse.

I love how all first 3 comments are corrections.

Twitter has been giving younger and younger people a voice and you're just amazed at this? Would you slap your 13 year old child if he'd asked the same question?

At that point, you'd need to bring in Apple into this whole shebang for it to work. You may need to sync the phone with iTunes to use it again but I doubt you'd get any heat for re-activating a stolen phone if only Apple knows about it.

It would bring down the premium but I doubt it'd be worth it for insurance companies to deploy a program of the sort. If carriers do it, they won't let insurance companies in for free, they're going to charge to have that data and at that point it's up to your insurer to figure out if it's worth it.

Why are you even talking about insurance?

This will reduce the number of phones being stolen by effectively rendering $800 phones into $300 iPods.

This has never, ever, ever happened to me, so much that I'm completely unaware of it happening. Either I'm extremely lucky or you're talking about some pretty niche stuff.