
You are a fool if you don't think you pay a higher premium because you haven't disclosed some of that information. Just like healthy people can get lower rates by getting medical exams, people in healthy financial situations can benefit from disclosing that information.

They don't charge you more simply because you don't have a Masters degree.

Accountants with advanced training in statistics don't calculate your insurance premiums. Actuaries do.

I was literally let go right when this article was published. I'd been in honest talks with my boss, discussing how this wasn't a field in which I wanted to work and so it's all kind of working out for me, but it's pretty ironic that this would pop up at the same time.

That's because you deal with this type of stuff every single day. Most of us that aren't in HR only go through this process every couple of years or so.

She reminds me of Brienne of Tarth from the future. #1 female badass.

I found this to be funny. You wrote your article thinking that no one in the world is going to like their humor, but you seem to forget not everyone is as sensible or empathetic to this stuff as you are. Grow up, if you don't like it then don't play it.


This seems... racist. Maybe if we showed them a picture of the Miss America contestants, they wouldn't see any difference between them?

Good luck finding whoever lent him the Glass.

I'm pretty sure this has been an ongoing trend ever since PC Magazine declared the Macbook Pro the best PC you can buy in 2008 or so. And it's true, they really do offert a superior build quality and features not found in most (or any) PCs from other manufacturers.

That would be incredibly retarded. Not gonna happen.

10/10. Seems like no one caught one to the trolling prowess you possess. Would Troll Again.

[...] where the game is interactive, violent, and you are literally shooting at people.

The first one is my all-time favorite Zelda game. So excited for this!

My gaming rig is simply hooked up to the TV with a 5$ HDMI cable. Don't see the need for anything else really.

Everybody is different. I care much less about the individual things that work well for a particular person and would love to know more about more generic tips, or even better, ways to educate yourself in finding out what works/doesn't work for you.

It doesn't matter what everyone calls them, Gizmodo should still uphold a certain threshold of professionalism when it comes to writing.

For as long as I've been coming to Gizmodo, there's always been a blatant disregard for grammar and typos. Author's don't seem to proof-read their articles in the slightest. Gives off a very poor image IMO, but they've never really cared about their reader base other than the ad views we give them (i.e., the last