Gronk putting that trophy in Conan's nuts is pretty much exactly how I expect Gronk is at all times, and I am okay with that.
Gronk putting that trophy in Conan's nuts is pretty much exactly how I expect Gronk is at all times, and I am okay with that.
Gronk and Beastmode
This needs to be a sitcom, or a reality show. Just have these two live together and be themselves. That was unexpectedly, extremely, funny.
The league was literally half the size when he coached, which was before the merger. Having a 1 in 16 chance vs. a 1 in 32 chance is entirely different. Plus there were only 2 conferences.
Every year I want to make that goddamn chili so fucking badly, and every year my wife is still deathly allergic to beans.
"Fairweather as it gets"....DIDN'T SEATTLE JUST ALL JUMP ON THE SEAHAWKS BANDWAGON RECENTLY?? Jesus, you don't see anyone wearing a jersey without the new(ish) neon green...
Gimme a fucking break. The stadium's been sold out since 1993. It's total lies to say the team wasn't popular until Belichick got there.
It was the media and the Sox brass who ran Tito out of town. People still love him here. Don't come back you loser.
How can you hear his SAT score through a computer screen?
I used to think Marshawn Lynch's refusal to speak with the media was hilarious. Then I thought it was funny. After that, it became mildly entertaining. Now I'm pretty much tired of it. And in a few more weeks, I'll probably strongly encourage Mr. Lynch to go and have sex with himself.
Swing and a miss on that one.
I believe it was Toucher and Rich.
As a "you don't wash your hands" truther, I agree with Kevin. Also, damn man, wash your hands.
Says the guy who wasn't punished for using PED's....
He looks like James Gandolfini right before his fatal heart attack...bloated, sweaty, and in desperate search of trying to suffocate Tom Jackson after their car accident.
The real victim has been the collective sanity of football fans everywhere.
I hate the Pats (Steeler fan), and I couldn't possibly give a fuck less about this. Inflate a football at room temperature in a 70* room. Take it outside and let it sit there for a couple hours. It contracts. Who gives a shit? The Colts weren't beating ANYONE, soft balls or hard. Fuck this STUPID bullshit.
I wonder what the collective level of human productivity wasted on this story is.
The happiest team about all of this nonsense? The Colts. No one's talking about how badly they shit the bed Sunday night, or how timidly and poorly Pagano coached them.
The NFL is likely thanking whatever God it collectively decided to believe in that people are making this into a big deal and getting distracted from those other problems it currently has with players getting concussions and killing themselves (or players who are assholes beating the crap out of women and children).
The Patriots could have played with a volleyball and still beat the Colts by 30. I wouldn't be shocked if more teams did this, the Pats just suck at getting caught.