
I keep forgetting about this show, which I want to chock up to not having Apple TV+... yet.

Bulldog on a skateboard brought me here.

Certainly Ricky from Trailer Park Boys has talked about chips crumbling in this manner before?


I can fart for miles and miles. What can I say? It’s a talent.

I’m guessing you’re happy enough with your Chinese phone, laptop and so on though?

For that price it should be time fall proof.

“ends up consigning them to cages that are even smaller and more confined than the ones they were in at their old zoos and she doesn’t acknowledge how messed up that is.”

If the cruise line industry were to shut down, people would still be going on vacation and spending their money.... so the net impact on the U.S. economy might be neutral. This is kind of like saying Walmart adds jobs when they come to a small town.... not really at all since the locals were already buying their

Obligatory Alternate Picks For This Week’s Theme Post:

Yeah, this is correct. People HOPE that the Martians were offended by the doves and invite them to Congress to apologize. The Martians accept this offer and then massacre Congress. They were ALWAYS coming to kill everyone and they came in peace for funsies. Like much of what they do in the movie.

Quick quibble. The Martians don’t initally attack “in response to a cultural misunderstanding.” They’re complete bastards from the start, and get their kicks from screwing with us.

..ack ack? ACK ACK ACK ACK!!!

Didn’t read a thing, no offense, just wanted to point out that if this destroys the cruise ship industry this will be, unintentionally, the best thing congress has done for the environment since the creation of the EPA.

The real takeaway from Mars Attacks! is that it’s over 20 years old and I am still judging movie CGI by it. Like... If they could make the Martians look that good in ‘96, get your shit together.

So, I did a paper in college about the cruise industry and IIRC, it was 30 years ago, a ship that stops consecutively in US ports needs to be US flagged. That’s why the cruise from SF to Alaska stops in Canada. As I recall, the savings of registering off shore is massive. I say “Fuck you” to the lines. But, I think

Build ships in non-US shipyards? Fuck you!

this film is absolutely terrific. 

Thank you for the explainer on the shady cruise industry. I am going to miss your snark and jalop knowledge. Business Outsider doesn't deserve you.