
Zach Snyder is an amazing photographer. Even when his style clashes with your taste, most can agree he can create technically brilliant, visually impactful still images in his sleep. This is why most of his memorable sequences are single shots, slow motion or stop images using that irritating fast-forward. Snyder is

Superman Returns is better.

More Buzzfeed would be to shave everyones’ head and cook it up for them. If you don’t eat it you're out.

Like most plants, soy contains phytoestrogen,(plant estrogren) not to be confused with animal estrogen. There’s no relationship whatsoever between soy consumption and hormone levels, but “two sciency words look alike” is more than enough for grifters to sell supplements. 

Remember the Bush era ”reclaim your masculinity” Hummer ad, with the guy buying soy in the supermarket, while fantasizing about wearing a leather jacket, driving an H2 and impressing the pretty cashier with his steak purchases? Pretty much that.

FBI warrant!


Keep painting Robert Mueller as an idealistic rogue avenger after he arrests a Batman villian with a Nixon tattoo. 

An ongoing cost/benefit analysis of leisure time efficiency dictates purchasing decisions, but FOMO factors into the equation. Getting more enjoyment out of press coverage/social media trends is usually a bigger factor than improving your experience with a single player game. Typically reading constant articles for

1950s anti-soviet propaganda civics class films described a large, strong, prospering middle class as the foundation of a healthy democratic society, in their explanation of progressive tax rates. They do such a good job selling 2019 leftist principles that it should be a meme. 

When I moved home after college, I’d smoke two one-hitters and pop an ambien to watch The Apprentice with my parents, because Donald’s skin occasionally gave an uncanny lizard-like sheen (think Annihilation) on their new 70" HDTV. I don’t know what it was; a combination of makeup, lighting, lense filters, botox,

I'm more feeling this Dark Souls meme

“No One Wants to Debate the MAGA David Hogg”

Twitter is quiet parts loud. 

You forgot to say “Pananera is good now, somehow”. My responses to wild Panamera shifted from cringe to “damn” in the past year. 

If the Alpine is an option it’s a no brainer. 25% lighter than the Cayman, far more unique and nearly guaranteed to appreciate. It accomplishes old school principles via new school components, tech and design, through the increasingly rare over-engineering that only comes as a labor of love. I’d literally rather have

My newly retired dad, who has long been curious/skeptical about Tesla, went to look at the Macan and Cayman, and ended up randomly putting down a 4 grand non-refundable deposit on a Taycan.

Japanese syntax often lacks an English equivalent, so localized vs literal translation is an issue before factoring the cultural eccentricities and otaku weirdness of the source material. Why would Funimation or Crunchyroll deemphasize the creator’s original intent when this characteristic oddness is one of anime’s

Bobo perfected his squatch call 

Three weeks in my backyard.