Petrovic Dusan ru

Well,it would be better if they just dropped H-bomb on Nazis,wouldn’t it

Thanks, I never heard of Northwest Angle before.

Well, this is more wishful thinking then real facts..I do not say that there is no crisis,but it is far from a serious problem, and military is getting more money then ever since 1980-es.

Can you define”decline”?Compare Russia`s military and political strength 20 years ago,10 years ago,and now; this is called resurgence, not declinde

“weird little enclave”you mention (now,why is it weird?) is ex-Prussia, divided as a spoils of war between Poland and Russia as Nazi Germany murdered millions of their citizens and destroyed all possible material wealth.

This is not the point,so Russian cruiser has the right to be on 70miles off the coast of New York; but that would be regarded as a huge provocation.

Except that it contradicts these facts:

So why did it step on us then?Without UN authorisation,conquering part of our territory by agreement in which we left it,then declaring it independent 9y later, thus changing borders in Europe?

Basically, you say that an anti aircraft rocket randomly hit exactly of all things an F 117 bomber?

Great arguments,or lack of any what-so-ever.

Probably you talk about mass graves in which Albanian terrorists put killed Serbian civilians?HRW data cites 1300 still missing Serbs during Kosovo war.

You are both right and not;have Albanians not killed about 500 federal policemen in ambushes over Kosovo,nobody would touch themIn case of Adem Jashari,our complete army needed three daya to clean their village of armed combattants.

Sad thing is that USA was always very popular and loved in Serbia,many our people live there,we grew up watching US western movies,reading Zane Gray books, immitating Steven Seagall stunts and believing in one God-Rocky Balboa!

Probably they should look for Belgrade airflight museum, where the only one in the world F117 wreck can be seen,among other interesting things.

First of all,I am not,and I never studied in US.I just mentioned that my english language certificate allows it.

It is hard to say what do you talk about;probably about notoriously bad traffic rules which cause a lot of accidents on the roads?

Balkans have a long and cruel history,and nobody could afford to be nice.Yet at least Serbs never cut prisoners heads as Bosnians,or sell their organs on the black marcet as Albanians.I am not saying that our guys were perfect,but more of a professional solder then terrorist.

You know, I will visit again our wonderful airflight museum near Belgrade airport to admire Lockhid handwork exposed among war trophies.

Well Nato could not occupy Serbia,destroy Yugoslav army,take Kosovo by force.

By the way, Serbs are victims of ethnic cleansing by Croats,Bosnians and Albanians,so your answer only reflects lack of education and bias.