
The current ad campaign for this show Kingdom is quite possibly the worst thing ever to happen to Deadspin. Of course it's on an ATT network no one has ever heard of.

Is a man a quarterback or just a man?

Can't believe you didn't refer to it as New New York.

Wingtips, not brogues.

So what you're telling me is that property values in SF are plummeting. I will have my cash ready.

Important note: Tirico is not very good. He is boring. I will miss Saturday afternoon CBS SEC games called by this man.

Hi Deadspin. This new auto-play-vide-banner ad has made your website nigh un-readable. Every link freezes my browser every time. Can not install ad-blockers on certain terminals.

ehh, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook screwed up a lot more.

OKC is a good team, but not good at being a team. Does that make sense? To me it's why the lost the stretch in game 6.

Relax. There is no way there were enough trash receptacles out there to handle all of the trash anyway. You would have been on a journey to nowhere of disposal. Any major event will have spillage and trash afterwards. Look at Mardi Gras. Streets littered with trash and throws. But 20 minutes later the amazing (prison)

wait what. this interview was done via twitter DMs?

half-life 3 confirmed

Is there a scientific, genetic trait that defines gender? If so that should be the only definition as many other physiological traits may be dictated by that, regardless of how a person mentally or sexually identifies. I don't know if it's as simple as identifying chromosomes or what, but we can't have JJ Watt getting

I guess that answers the question "They're at 23 now but will they live to see 24?"

Don't worry. It only happens when the Cardinals lose.

Last night's goal by TB was essentially the only non-one timer way you can score in an NHL video game.

Is sign-and-trade a thing in hockey?

Every hockey fan in the world is convinced that their favorite team would win more if they would just lift the puck a few inches on open net shots that always hit the stretched out blocker?

The Lightning coach seems like a cool guy. The Caps coach, and the old Caps coach and Babcock and so many hockey coaches can be angry, ref whiny, red faced guys. Every interview with Lightning coach showed a super chill guy in charge of a solid team and rolling with the punches. Not a Bolts fan but a Bolts coach fan.

Do these guys have a nickname? They do every interview together. It used to be annoying and whiney. Now that they are winning it's usually hilarious. NAME THEM.