
22. Birds hit by busses.

23. Bird hit by busses

Also, since like 2011 every dick pic has ended up in the perma-cloud.

Hate Deadcast existence. Love headline existence, purely for the responses.

He'll need his helmet for the eventual retribution for having fun.

There are five articles on the cover page about cosplay. Has it always been this way? Is this a new infatuation (despite being 100 years old)? It seems a little excessive/obsessive.

Yesterday people complain that Microsoft has too many scantily clad models at event. Today group attempts to reduce number of scantily clad models at event. Outrage ensues.

No. I just want the people and resources already their to increase efficiency.

Passenger count won't drop until the Instagram wanderlust travel blogger bubble bursts.

Just carry two band-aids in your wallet at all times.

My hot take: sports writers are leaches and this is ok.


Honestly, I'm surprised that three people ONLY cost $2100 at French Laundry. Must have skimped.


How are the tannins from a young set of grapes after aging for 8 years?

I thought it went under his armpit?

Not working hard enough? Hmmm. I would wager that Crosby has looked very good throughout the playoffs despite the lack of points. Major mistake early on the first Bolts go though.

I don't think that at all. Everything about that play was going across the face of the goal and instead Crosby made the quick great shot near side. Considering the other saves he's had this series and the lack of lift from many Penguins shooters on potentially open shots, he should still be feeling quite confident.

At the conclusion of the finals I can't wait for the recap of every call that the NBA formally stated went in favor of the Thunder.

No, the whole, everyone who wants a job doing anything needs to submit fingerprints, is nonsense.