
Someone should make a charity for this poor man.

Please don’t force yourself to make a character gay.
If a character is gonna be gay don’t just slap a sticker on a random character That is just gonna feel disrespectful. Put some work into it and do it on a new character that haven’t been establish already.

Does it matter?
I mean really think about it, those this even matter for a second?
No. It does not. in one week this will most likely have been forgotten and maybe a small minority of people will speak about it once. But it wont matter. If a small game offends your belief and orientation just don’t play it. He say some

So... you’re telling me to wait for Sims 6?

wait the last 2 times we did this with AI, didn’t the first one become a racist meme spewing asshole girl? and the second one became super depressed?

So if grandma was wearing slutty clothing with no password, did she deserve to get raped? That’s pretty much what your saying.
Having your door unlocked and a a robber comes in and robs you, is it also your fault?
Yeah sure grandma could have had better clothing with a password and maybe the rape wouldn’t have happen

I played trough before i saw the article but like, couldn’t you just have had “Batman Spoilers Ahead” so people who didn’t even think there would be a twist may experience it themselves willout hints that it would be one?
I for one was totally blown off by the twist.

why the hell does the second stage on fire cat and owl look nothing like the final evolution. The owl look like a gentlemen and then out of nowhere it turns into robin hood, the cat looks like it gonna be looking like luxray but then just becomes the worst final evolution ever created for a starter.

I didn’t really care for the article, like removing avatar that gets to close to you, whatever. but holy shit people are so sensitive. “scary as hell.” are you for real? the invisible body with a helmet with twitching armless gloves comes up to you and phases through your non existing model? so spooky. . .