
Gene Simmons is going to treat the Patent Office the same way he treats women, ask 1000 times and get 999 "no"'s and one "yes".

Somehow the "billion"aire president is not an elite, even though he has his own 747 and shits in golden toilets.

It's a Spanish name, by way of Greece, but thanks for playing. Now go and enjoy your "Last Man Standing" marathon.

Hair splitting. Punch them all in the head.

Losers like Lord Humungus. You know, if you logged off stormfront and 4 chan, you could get some sun, some exercise, and you might even meet a REAL GIRL!

He's gonna need to show a long form birth certificate to use the bathroom.

Yeah, some tiny fraction of people who wave confederate flags are severely confused Dukes of Hazard fans who have no idea that the Stars and Bars represent treason, slavery, White Supremacy, violence and racism.

Oathkeepers = Heavily Armed, psychotic, American Sharia Nazis.

60 minutes is a real news show with real reporters. Not airheads who've spent the last 10 years talking about Monica Lewinski, Benghazi, The Whiteness of Santa Claus, and Fast and Furious.

This is what happened. Gun nuts like Alex saw the reports from Sandy Hook. They immediately went to their default position anytime a white christian person commits a gun crime: "It was a false flag".

Alex wants attention, desperately. So desperately that he has joined with the AltReich, Neo-Nazis and the Russians to attack our democracy. Giving Alex a prime time interview is like giving Dracula a blood-filled CamelBak. Fuck Alex Jones.

Stone was an embarrassment to Freedom yesterday.

This is what I'm reading: "Stop paying attention to the creeping Naziism that is sweeping the country! Just ignore them and they'll go away quietly!" Except in all-caps.

e. The Republican Party

I was thinking "Fascist Pig" by Suicidal Tendencies.

Melania needs to gird herself for unannounced "accidental" visits in the middle of the night from a bathrobed Steve Bannon.

I sort-of saw "Nirvana" when "Nevermind" came out. They played a free record release show at Waterloo Records in Austin. I was in the store to shop, and all these teenagers kept coming in to see this band, so I hung out for a while to see what all the buzz was about. About 45 minutes (?) after they were supposed to

your comment is ignorant nonsense: "The damage included six modern roof tiles and four small chips in masonry, which will be restored, as stated by Ukbar Filmes to the Associated Press. However, the trees were planted during the making of another film and officials consented to their removal at the end of the shoot."

Judge Scott Gordon. You could click the links to real newspapers.

I….I…I… ain't gonna rent Sun Citayyyyy