
Obviously, there is something else going on. If anti-muslim hysteria were a reason for being let go from Breitbart, the site would have collapsed into a black hole of nothingness long ago.

This firing was just a "neg" from the MRAs running the site. She should be honored.

You have to be coked up just to eat the garbage pizza of a dude with that scary California-style sliced 'n' diced face of his. Future "Botched" episode in the offing.

I'd say the tank was running down for season 3…. let's see if they filled it back up.

Would it help you If I said "Kardashian" right now?

Do the Universal execs think that monsters are superheroes?

I didn't know they made inch-long condoms.

I'm just sitting here saving people the time of reading my random, pointless musings.

…and your point is….?

So glad that the global leaders of Wahhabism and the AltReich have decided to come out against extremism.

Toby Keith: 100% closeted gay country star.

The libertarians all drank Alex Jones' Male Vitality Snake Oil and have become Putin-cucked neo-nazi GOP fascists.

The Fast and Furious movies insult all of mankind's intelligence.

Oh, you got me! FATAL BLOW!! I accidentally typed an apostrophe! NOW I'LL HAVE TO START SUPPORTING TRUMP AND PUTIN!!

You just wrote more words on this movie than it's fans have in their combined vocabulary.

Not my prediction, deplorable. Trump is killing the USA and transforming the GOP into the KKK for Russophiles.

It's almost like an automatic reflex, we critique the president, and wait 3 seconds to hear "Hillary…." or "Obama…." you people are not worthy of being Americans, go to mother Russia where they have the kind of society you seek.

I don't like Hillary, but she was not an utter shitgibbon.

Go away, nazi-man.

Twice democratically elected B. Hussein, unlike Hair Furor, who lost the election, but was appointed president anyway by our racist forefathers who created the electoral college.