
I wonder why muslims encountering US Marines in their own countries would have any negative feelings toward America? (a real head-scratcher).

Very few muslims do, but Maher, Milo, and the rest of these pants-shitting wussies are so afraid of the 1.6 billion muslims, it's making them say and do bigoted, stupid shit.

Uh, no, it was not ordinary. Track one is a mashup of Jello Biafra and Black Sabbath. Not ordinary.

Maher is an islamophobe. It's too bad he spends all day in his mansion smoking weed and doesn't have time to meet real muslims who are not the bad guys from every TV show Bill watches on his 4K Plasma surround-sound beverly hills home theatre.

I alt-appreciate your alt-humor, it's really alt-funny.

OK, so not real, gotcha.

"alt liberal": There ain't no such thing

Hey, clueless white internet hipsters, let's drop the nazi shit until all these actual fucking nazis are not working in the White House anymore.

No, but it shows that if Asians want awards from the Grammys, they'd better play white music.

He's from Paris and plays European music (mostly).

So, another "think piece" created to slag on Chicago deep-dish. YAWN.

Limbaugh has been planting the seeds of "Nazis were Liberals" for at least 30 years.

According to racists, Liberals are the REAL racists and Nazis….

“MSG can temporarily affect a select few when consumed in huge quantities on an empty stomach, but it’s perfectly safe for the vast majority of people.”

"He’s leading this country"

Colbert's crown of epic WHCD burnage will never be taken away in our lifetimes.

Nothing funnier than a nazi! har-de-fucking-har.

and the dishonest media, no doubt.

Where have I heard that kind of crap before? Oh yeah, before the inauguration.

“I would be against somebody doing, let’s say, Thelma & Louise without it being Susan [Sarandon] and me,”