
I'd rather have a rainbow pony. In retrospect, I'd rather have a president Warren and one less senate seat.

Every trump supporter may not be a hardcore racist, but every hardcore racist is a Trump supporter. Bannon is a fucking Nazi.

The unimaginative make the possible impossible.

Rape Trumps Decency

Dear TV addicts, nothing is unmissable.

White nationalism won. The KKK won. Pepe the Frog won. Sexual battery won. Rape won. Narcissistic personality disorder won. Fear won. Hate won. Religious tests won. Walls won. Stealing from small businesses won. Nuclear proliferation won. ISIS won. North Korea won. Putin won.

FUCKKK all these people.

Yeah and 52% of white women after the "Grab them by the pussy" comment.

Oh, I know, I know who's responsible….
clinton trump
White Men 31% 63%
White women 43% 52%
Black Men 80% 13%
Black Women 93% 4%
Latino Men 62% 33%
Latino Women 68% 26%
Others 61% 32%

Not our time though, evidently.

100% of the time when you confront a Trumpkin with some horrible, rapey, racist thing that Donald has done, they will bring up the Clintons. They can't defend that horrible melted circus peanut, so they immediately start flinging 30-year old disproven bullshit about the Clintons.

"The Predator"? Is this about Trump's Child Rape Court Hearing in 5 weeks?

Another great path to a long life and a sustainable planet is not voting in a rabid orangutan who wants to spread nuclear weapons around the globe and who thinks global warming is a plot by the Chinese.

Are people happy because now we know that evil goat powers only last 108 years? I'm confused.

You mean because they are both 70 year old brain-damaged ex-professional wrestlers who want to sleep with their daughters, cheat on their wives, and out-racist the KKK?

I like to Pusha about the moona and the Junea and the springa.

I'm Doctor Roxxo and I do Ca-ca-ca-ca-RedBull and Vodkaaaa!

I was hoping the ABBA holograms could do some songs with the Dio, Tupac, and Elvis holograms.

It is when conservatives try it.

The problem is that being a conservative and funny are diametrically opposed. Punching down is not funny.