
What hath Hamilton wrought? Is Vanilla Ice going to be making a hip-hop musical based on Jack the Ripper? Is Kool Keith going to be starring as Ben Franklin rapping about "Kites, Keys, Stoves & Itchy French Hoes"?

No, she'd have a comedy show on Fox, like Red Eye or Fox 'n' Friendz.

it's not succulent, tasty or kind, it is murder.

Indiana Jones and the Curse of Being Super Rich and Not Really Needing Any More Money, Except You Have Expensive Hobbies, Like Flying Airplanes, And That Shit Ain't Cheap, So, Fuck It, I'll Do One More Movie

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Level 1 Bard/Theif

Thanks for that bon mot.

The musicians I like were never in the Mickey Mouse club.

Hmm, the first sentence seems to be evidence against the 2nd sentence. Manufactured pop star.

"Don Trump was a Nazi"

I heard the tape, Billy "Twerp-ass-bitch" Bush wasn't going to be fired if he didn't bring attention to the woman that Trump had not yet noticed.

I'm pretty sure the angels will catch 'em all, if they don't get penicillin shots.

This is why we need more sea-based mines.

Trump constantly parrots Alex Jones, I would not be in the least surprised if Trump harbors false flag theories about these families.

Let's not let shithead Alex Jones off the hook for his crap.

When a MAN poops in the sink at Burger King this morning, he gets screamed at by the shift manager, but when a woman does it in a big Hollywood movie, it's revolutionary. I see how it is.

That makes him a genius. (eyeroll)

Remember a few years ago when President Obama made funny jokes about the Apprentice being good training for the White House? We laughed and laughed. Little did we fathom the death of irony.

Don't question CIA operatives like that.